LNT Consultancy Services

Leading National Trainings consultancy team, have a diverse knowledge and understanding across many different workplace sectors, both in the private and public arenas.
Our team has experienced many different business cultures as well as working with divergent global cultures, each having worked across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, North America and most Russian speaking countries from the FSU.
All our consultants regularly work as interim directors and business managers, this is critical, so that we all have 'real-time' knowledge of current market situations, which as we all know are constantly changing and evolving at a rapid rate, and we need to keep up to speed with these changes, so that we can offer our clients the most up to date solutions to their challenges.
Of course as an innovational consultancy, we are also developing our own new methods and solutions to problems, solutions that have not been developed by other organisations. For example our Forensic Sales Expert©️ programme which overcomes the challenges associated with the procurement processes, and our NeuroMatch©️ tool which enables organisations to profile the required behaviours of a project, and then match the correct people to those unique behaviours.
Let us know your challenges and we will implement a benchmarked solution or wherever possible develop a new solution.
Contact: info@leadingnationaltraining.co.uk