Prepare 4 Success (P4S)
The Prepare 4 Success programme was developed as an answer to the many challenges that organisations face when recruiting young people straight from education.
In 2018, the Confederation of British Industries surveyed 291 companies (with a combined workforce of 1.5 million people). The question asked was; 'What do you look for from a new employee coming straight from education'? The most remarkable outcome of this survey was that qualifications and skills ranked as the least most important requirement!
The survey highlighted that business leaders and
their managers have been very disappointed for a number of years, with the quality of youngsters entering the workplace, not disappointed with the amount of 'A' level exams they have achieved, but with their ability to function effectively in this new environment!
Leading National Trainings whole ethos is centred on the fact that qualifications, experience, and skills are not drivers of performance, it is behaviours that drive performance. So for us this was not really a revelation.
LNT then undertook our own survey with our clients to identify which skills were critical for them. It was the results of this survey that defined the content of the P4S programme. There are 8 core modules which all students complete, and 11 optional modules.
The next stage was to look at how, and when, the P4S programme could be delivered. For the 'WHEN' our solution was to deliver the programme to students in their last year of studies, with the options of the programme being spread over the last 8 months of the students final year (1 module per month), during holiday periods, or over a number of weekends.
The 'HOW' (the funding) needed some more consideration, however the solution became quite clear, quite quickly! If local businesses where to support local places of education for the programme, it could then be fully branded with the sponsoring organisations name, terminology, case-studies, organisational structure, etc. This would give the local businesses a number of potential benefits;
Opportunity to select the best students for their business (once they completed their studies)
Supports their CSR and raises their profile in the local community
Gives their business an on-going partnership with the place of education
Massive PR opportunities
Can save time and money on recruitment
The benefits listed above, are just some that a businesses can enjoy from sponsoring a P4S programme. If you are a business considering sponsoring a programme please click button below for our FAQ, or if you are are a place of education, and would like to know more, please click on the relevant button.
Short video on youth unemployment in the UK
Short video on sponsoring the P4S programmes
The winning interview formula
Team working for greater productivity
Dealing with conflict in the workplace
Supporting your manager
Creativity and problem solving
Being customer focused
Time management and personal organisation
Communication skills in the workplace
Influencing without authority
Outstanding presentation skills
Social networking for business benefits
Commercial awareness
Financial awareness
How to fund a start-up
How to grow a start-up
Introduction to leadership skills
The skill of coaching others
Introduction to consultative selling
First step negotiation
Another key aspect of the P4S project achieving success and being seen as valuable, was to gain accreditation for the programme. This process took a further six months, Leading National Training was granted level '2' accreditation
from Industry Qualifications (IQ), seen as one of the best qualifying bodies in the UK. We also have the option to take the programme to level 3 if required.
Finally, we have prepared a infographic outlining the complete process for sponsorship and accreditation (see below).
For further information: