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Alpha State Coaching now in the UK!

Tatyana Mosienko joins the Leading National Training team!

Tatyana Photo

We are pleased to announce that Tatyana has joined the LNT team, providing the fifth and final (critical) element too ‘Talent Development’ and other programmes, which will ensure enhanced success for our clients and their employees.

Tatyana will be facilitating a new dimension to our training and consultancy, namely ‘Alpha State Coaching’ or ‘ASC’. Not to be confused with other forms of coaching, this process focuses on removing barriers to delivering positive outcomes, it has been developed to very quickly move people away from any embedded blockers which have dogged their successes in the past, then turn those negative thoughts into positive resources for them.

‘Alpha State Coaching’ was originally devised and used in Russia by the military, and by the Russian government to develop its senior people, it was also successfully used in Psychological warfare and to combat terrorism.

Tatyana seeing how quickly performance could be improved and most importantly that the improvements where sustained, trained in ‘ASC’ and over the past few years has successfully adapted key elements of the process to coach business leaders and others in Russia.

This is the first time the ‘ASC’ system will be available in the UK.

She has written a number of books on the subject, and we are currently having them translated and adapted for the English-speaking business community.

So why did Leading National Training see the need for this new dimension?

Our key strengths have always been to give people the most up to date skills to perform effectively in their existing or future roles, we motivate them to use the skills with our inspirational delivery, and then reinforce how they can influence others when using the skills to increase personal success.

We also measure their existing behavioural strengths and emotional intelligence (EQ) using our PRISM brainmapping tool. This profiling enables us to see where the potential barriers are for individuals, but unfortunately not the causes, and for us that has always been the missing link!

However well we deliver skills, once they move back into their own environments and the conscious or sub-conscious negative thoughts return, the DRIVE to make it happen can be (and often is) lost!

The reason their motivation is diminished, is because the fears, the self-doubt, the possible lack of support as minors, and the memories of past failures (their own or others) kicks straight back in and brings them crashing down!

The human mind drives everything we do, as much as we would like to believe we control it, the reality is the opposite, and until individuals deal with these negative blockers, real success and growth will always elude them.

Of course we are not psychologists or councillors and that is never our remit, however, with 'ASC' we don’t need to delve into individuals personnel issues, or indeed need to know what they are, and that is the beauty of ‘ASC’ as it takes them on a journey or self-realisation, uncovering for themselves the blockers, we then work with them to reduce its hold over them (whatever they may be).

So how will we make this process part of our consultancy and training programmes?

We’ve already done so! for the first time ever, we employed this process with 16 people who recently completed a 6-month Talent Development Programme. The skills were given, the motivation was raised, the opportunities to shine were made available (all the normal things we do).

But on this occasion, the added dimension was the use of ‘ASC’ throughout the programme, when working with the whole group, and during the one-to-one monthly remote coaching sessions.

The results were beyond anybody’s expectations, amazing their line managers with their drive to make positive change (yes, even the quiet, previously shy ones). The delivery team at Leading National Training have never seen such a determined group of people, determined not just by the new skills they have obtained, or the opportunities they now had, but by their changed outlooks on life and what they could achieve, fully recognising that they can do everything we had taught them and more.

To further qualify this, we re-profiled their behaviours using our PRISM Brainmapping tool and the positive move percentages are the highest we have ever seen.

We now had the fifth and final element to our evolving ‘Talent Development’ system, the combination of measuring current behaviours against the desired benchmarked behaviours of an organisation, imparting the new skills, teaching them how to influence others when implementing the skills, motivating the individuals to deliver, and finally, dealing with their blockers using ‘ASC’ to ensure their motivation is maintained.

The team at LNT are currently being further developed by Tatyana as ‘Alpha State Coaches’ so we can make this added element available to all our English speaking clients. To find out more, or to see the before and after PRISM behaviour maps mentioned above, please email

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